Welcome to the China Energy Fair Fund Claims Website
Welcome to the website for the claims administration of the China Energy Fair Fund ("Fair Fund"). If you purchased shares of China Energy common stock, ticker CESV, on the open market in the United States (“Eligible Securities”) between July 1, 2004 and February 15, 2006, inclusive (“Recovery Period”) and calculate a Recognized Claim per the Plan of Allocation contained in the court-approved Distribution Plan, you may be entitled to receive payment from the Fair Fund, subject to other provisions of the Distribution Plan.
The Fair Fund was established by the Court to distribute monies to investors harmed by China Energy’s manipulation of the market through a pump and dump scheme.1 The administration of the Fair Fund is governed by the Distribution Plan found here.
Approximately $5.7 million is available for distribution to harmed investors.
The Court has appointed Kurtzman Carson Consultants, LLC (“KCC”) as the Distribution Agent to administer the distribution, including the claims process.